Snow In Houston, Texas - December 10, 2008


This has been an amazing year with weather and trips.  First a hurricane comes through and now snow in December.  It started coming through our area between 5 PM to 6 PM as the temperature dropped.  It had been raining some throughout the day.


Pictures in the backyard

Conner making snow balls.



Looking at part of the roof near where I have been working on the house.


A couple of our cars in the driveway

Courtney's PT Cruiser and Wanda's Subaru Forester



In front of the house

The house across the street from us.



Looking down our street in the front of our house and then looking the other direction - taken from our driveway.



Part of the tree in front of the house.






Contact Information

Matthew Beard

10318 Sagegate Dr., Houston, TX 77089

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This site was last updated 12/10/08